Sterile Sodium Hyaluronate Solution (40mg/50ml - 120mg/50ml)

HYACYST is a product that consists of a solution from highly purified hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. It is utilized by;

- Interstitial cystitis,
- Painful bladder syndrome,
- Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer deficiency,
- Hemorrhagic cystitis,
- Recurrent bacterial cystitis,
- Radiation cystitis,
- Chemotherapy-induced Cystitis

To achieve optimal results, HYACYST should remain in the urinary bladder for as long as possible (min. 30 minutes. max. 2 hours).

How to Use Hyacyst?

You can directly use the pre-filled syringe content by removing the cap from the syringe and connecting the syringe to an appropriate catheter using the Luer Lock connector.

If the catheter without a Luer-Lock connection is used instead of the installation catheter, the supplied catheter syringe adaptor should be used.

The Luer-Lock end of the catheter syringe adaptor should be connected to the pre-filled syringe and the catheter adaptor end should be connected to the catheter previously inserted into the bladder.

The total volume of the solution is instilled using a syringe and instillation catheter in the urinary bladder after complete drainage of the urinary bladder.

Latex Free
Easy to Use

Used By Adaptor
Or Catheter


Sterilized Using Aseptic Processing Technic

No Animal

What Is Interstitial Cystitis?

Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome is a disease of unknown cause that can be seen especially in young, sexually active women and is seen in 20% of all women and is characterized by frequent urination and constant pain and discomfort in the space surrounded by the pelvis. The disease may progress for years with only mild pain due to frequent urination, or it may become very severe and this may take many years. In severe disease, patients may have difficulty in continuing their work lives and sometimes their daily activities. The disease may progress slowly and have intermittent courses throughout life. Interstitial cystitis can negatively impact a person's social life, ability to exercise, sleep patterns, and even ability to work.


Immediate results should not be expected in almost all interstitial cystitis treatments. Most patients may need to continue treatment indefinitely or symptoms may return. In some patients, symptoms may gradually decrease or even disappear completely. Cutting out foods that cause symptoms will also support the treatment during the treatment process.