Our Human Resources Application

İstem Medikal has Recruitment and Placement – Orientation – Performance Management – Training and Development – Career Management – Job Evaluation – Wage Management and Human Resources Systems.

All recruited employees are given comprehensive Orientation Training consisting of Organizational Structure, Working Principles, Company Policies, Occupational Health and Safety information and On-the-Job Training.

Personal Development and Competency Development Trainings, Professional Knowledge and Skills Development Trainings of employees, as well as trainings in accordance with Labor Legislation are organized for our employees according to the results of Performance Evaluation and Development Center Applications.

Job and Internship Applications

Our company offers internship opportunities for both vocational high school and university students within a certain quota. Our main goal in internship programs is to provide students with on-the-job experience.

Internship Period: Vocational High School students do compulsory internship at our workplace in September – June, and university students do compulsory internship in our workplace in June – September. We also have long-term project-based internship opportunities.

As İste Medical, we consider creating value for our society and sector as one of our main areas of responsibility, and we consider acting with social responsibility awareness in all our activities with our “goodness” value at our core as one of the basic and invariable elements of our management approach. We internalize this understanding at every level of our company; We act with the awareness of corporate social responsibility in the value chain that includes employees, customers, suppliers and the whole society.

We undertake that we comply with the rules of conduct of BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), an organization that aims to improve working conditions in the supply chain worldwide by organizing internal and external audits to measure the effectiveness of the Social Responsibility Management System.

All İstem Medical employees, especially the company’s senior management, are responsible for the implementation and sustainability of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy.

BSCI Üreticiler İçin Uygulama Koşulları

BSCI Davranis Kuralları

BSCI Davranis Kuralları

BSCI Üreticiler İçin Uygulama Koşulları ENG

BSCI Davranış Kuralları ENG

BSCI Davranış Kuralları A3 ENG

IK.P.001.057 İnsan Hakları Politikası

IK.P.001.56 Adil Ücret Hesaplama Politikası

IK.P.001.54 Rüşvet ve Yolsuzluk İle Mücadele Politikası

IK.P.001.55 Çocuk ve Genç İstismarının Engellenmesi Politikası

IK.P.001.53 Zorla Çalıştırma Politikası

IK.P.001.51 Ayrımcılık Karşıtı Politika

IK.P.001.52 Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Politikası

IK.P.001.50 Yaşam Ücreti Hesaplama Politikası

IK.P.001.47 Çocuk ve Genç İşçi Çalıştırmama Politikası

IK.P.001.57 Örgütlenme Özgürlüğü ve Toplu İş Sözleşmesi Politikası


The purpose of the Human Rights Policy is to reflect the principles adopted by İstem Medikal regarding human rights; To create a guiding guide for its employees and business partners.

This policy; It has been prepared on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Core ILO Conventions, OECD’s Guiding Principles for Multinational Enterprises, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and national laws.

It complies with “We and Our Principles” at İstem Medical, which includes the ethical principles and standards of conduct in business life that apply to employees and all business partners within İstem Medikal and its affiliated companies.


This policy is valid for all İstem Medikal companies in the world and all institutions and organizations with which the company has business relations (“business partners”), including suppliers and dealers. İstem Medikal encourages its business partners to implement the principles stated in this policy and adopt similar policies.


İstem Medikal Top Management, Human Resources, Factory Manager and department managers are responsible for the implementation of this policy.

İstem Medikal’s Board of Directors is responsible for the top oversight of the determination and operation of notification, review and sanction mechanisms in case of non-compliance with the rules and regulations in the Human Rights Policy.


İstem Medical conducts its operations by respecting human rights in all workplaces where it operates on a global scale.

The company works to provide a work environment that complies with international standards and respects human rights, where employees can improve themselves, express their ideas freely and not be exposed to discrimination.

4.1. Principles, Commitments and Related Practices

4.1.1. Respect and Compliance with Human Rights

İstem Medical bases all its relationships on mutual respect; It works to comply with human rights in its relations with its employees, customers, business partners, competitors and the communities in which it operates, to encourage them to be sensitive on this issue and to prevent human rights violations.

4.1.2. Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion

A working environment is offered where employees feel fully included, regardless of their differences, and where they respect each other’s rights and dignity in all their actions.

Recruitment, placement, career development, training, compensation and promotion decisions; It is carried out based on the employee’s qualifications, performance, skills and experience. Cultural diversity and equality of opportunity are encouraged in this system, where performance and contribution to corporate success are appreciated. Diversity in the workforce is essential for the company to achieve its goals. For this reason, efforts are made to develop and retain talents that have different backgrounds and experiences, respect differences, are open-minded and tolerant.

4.1.3. Discrimination

Everyone working at İstem Medikal benefits equally from legally recognized rights and freedoms. In line with the Diversity and Inclusion Policy at İstem Medikal, no age, gender, race, color, language, religion, philosophical and political opinion, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, health status, disability, appearance, clothing or There is no discrimination in terms of lifestyle. Discriminatory behavior, actions or retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated.

4.1.4. Right to Collective Bargaining and Freedom of Association

Employees’ right to collective bargaining and freedom of association are respected.

4.1.5. Freedom of Expression

It adopts as a principle to prevent any situation that would hinder employees’ exercise of their right to freedom of expression in the work environment, and provides the necessary tools and environments for employees to express themselves freely.

4.1.6. Occupational health and Safety

Protecting the health and safety of employees and visitors or business partners who are in İstem Medikal workplaces and/or work areas for any reason is among the important priorities of İstem Medikal. For this reason, company management tries to ensure the highest safety standards to prevent possible dangers in workplaces.

In order to create a safe and healthy workplace, it is essential to comply with the applicable occupational health and safety legislation and internal requirements. İstem Medikal works to provide and maintain a healthy and productive workplace environment by regularly identifying and solving risks that may cause accidents, injuries and health problems in the Occupational Health and Safety Board.

1.1.1. Forced Labor

Employees are not allowed to be employed without their consent. No employee is put under pressure in any matter, and all employees are employed in suitable positions with their own consent under equal conditions.

1.1.2. Child Labor

In accordance with the principle of not employing child labor as set out in the Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization, child labor is not employed at İstem Medikal.

1.1.3. Violence and Ill-Treatment

İstem Medikal is committed to providing a safe work environment for all its employees and treats them respectfully and in a way that does not harm human dignity. Employees must not engage in physical or psychological violence or ill-treatment against anyone, regardless of the reason, and must not tolerate such behavior by others. Even if they do not take action, threats of violence and ill-treatment or attempts to intimidate and instill fear are also evaluated within the same scope. At İstem Medikal, physical, verbal, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse or threats of any kind are not tolerated.

1.1.4. Working Hours, Wages and Personnel Benefits

İstem Medical conducts its operations in compliance with applicable laws regarding wages, working hours, overtime and fringe benefits. It aims to prevent overtime by carrying out studies to increase the productivity of employees during working hours, and supports the maintenance of work and private life balance.

İstem Medikal encourages the creation of a productive and motivating working environment that constantly supports development in the workplace, personal development opportunities, training investments, recognition and reward programs that support success, exemplary behavior, innovation and creativity.

4.2. Resolving Non-Compliances with Policy

At İstem Medical, any situation or suspicion that is thought to be contrary to ethical values ​​and principles, policies and procedures or legal regulations is reported via the Ethics Line.

Ethics Line is a 24/7 telephone or website operated by independent company(ies) from İstem Medikal, where nonconformities detected or witnessed in Turkey and other countries can be shared, concerns can be expressed verbally or in writing, or questions can be asked. It is a support center that can be accessed via .

Information about current Ethics Line channels and their use, We and Our Principles at İstem Medikal are announced to employees via the company’s intranet and announcement systems (e-mail, posters, etc.).

At İstem Medical;

-The main objectives of our Fair Wage policy are; Remuneration is made by highlighting the concepts of job size, performance, contribution to the job, knowledge/skills and competencies, motivating and increasing the loyalty of employees by ensuring intra-company and inter-company wage balance and competitiveness in the market, and recruiting the appropriately competent workforce to achieve our company’s goals.

-In the management of wages and benefits; They are taken into consideration as fair, objective, high performance appreciating, competitive, rewarding and motivating criteria. Language, race, color, gender, political opinion, belief, religion, sect, age, physical disability and similar characteristics are not accepted as criteria in remuneration. There is no discrimination.

-Wages to be paid to managers and employees at all levels of the company; It is essential that it is compatible with the company’s internal balances, strategic goals and employee performance.

-No different compensation policy is applied other than the legal compensations stipulated by laws and regulations.

-In determining the remuneration principles and criteria of senior managers and creating wage proposals, based on internationally valid standards, the knowledge, skills, competence, experience level, scope of responsibility required by the task, compatible with risk management structures, preventing excessive risk taking and solving problems based on effective risk management. skills are taken into account. Our company bases its wage policy on the following values: These values ​​are taken into account in all wage applications.

Based on measurable and balanced performance targets
Encouraging sustainable success

The company must comply with risk management principles.



This policy text aims to clearly state its commitments and approach to bribery and corruption and to protect the company’s image. With this policy, which is an integral part of our company’s Code of Ethics, it is aimed to provide the necessary information to prevent bribery and corruption in all group activities and to determine the responsibilities and rules in this regard.

Bribery: In order to ensure that a person performs an action contrary to the requirements of his duty or outside the ordinary course of business, such as doing, not doing, speeding up or slowing down a job, the other party directly or indirectly provides material or moral benefit to himself or another person he designates within the framework of a verbal or written agreement. means providing. Benefit that can be considered as a bribe; It can take many different forms such as cash, gift, event invitation or ticket, debt forgiveness, charitable donation.

Since the issue is an act that requires legal punishment as well as business ethics, employees are expected to be sensitive about this issue and consider it as a part of their personal duties and responsibilities, independent of their working life. İSTEM Medikal has adopted the principle of complying with the laws and regulations, universal legal rules, ethical and professional principles within the scope of bribery and corruption in which it operates. Within the scope of this principle, our Group acts with a “zero tolerance” approach against bribery and corruption and is committed to continuing its activities in a fair, honest, legal and ethical manner.

A much more sensitive attitude is taken to combat bribery and corruption in order to ensure that the rights of all stakeholders of the Group are protected. Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy has been implemented as a requirement of the importance given to this issue.

Persons within the scope of İSTEM MEDİCAL Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy; Offering payment or anything of value to obtain a legal and unethical benefit, even in favor of the Group, or obtaining a similar benefit from other organizations and individuals is a legal and unethical act that may be considered bribery or corruption, even if such practices are common in the line of business. It is prohibited to engage in any kind of behavior that is not appropriate.

The material value of the benefit that is the subject of bribery and corruption or whether anything is done for the other party in return is not important. If the value of the interest is very low or if the commitment is not yet fulfilled despite the offer being made, the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy will be violated.

İSTEM Medical; Legal rights of government institutions, suppliers, customers, employees and other stakeholders are protected. Accounting transactions are recorded completely, accurately and fairly, and internal control systems are established to prevent unregistered transactions. When a situation such as Bribery and Corruption is encountered, a notification should be made by contacting the notification channels specified below, in accordance with the non-conformity notification methods announced within the scope of “İSTEM MEDİKAL and Anadolu Group Business Ethics Principles and Non-Conformity Notification Regulation”.

İstem Medical;
E-mail Address:
Phone Line: 0 (312) 394 55 62
Fax: 0 (312) 394 55 63




In accordance with the “Heavy and Hazardous Work Regulation” prepared based on Article 85 of the Labor Law No. 4857, children and young workers are not employed.

In cases where child and young workers apply for a job in our company and similar situations, the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of the Employment of Child and Young Workers” and the Procedure for Combating Child Labor and Employing Young Workers, prepared based on the Turkish Penal Code and Article 71 of the Labor Law No. 4857, are applied.

If it is determined that child and/or young workers have applied to work, or if it is determined that child and/or young workers have entered the work area outside the normal ways, although they are not employed, the procedure to be followed is as follows;

– Absolutely no benefit will be gained from children at any stage of production.

-The material and moral rights of child and/or young workers will be fully protected and supported.

-If children and/or young workers apply to our company, their school status will be questioned and their attendance at school will be supported. If necessary, it will be directed to relevant institutions that will provide financial support.



İstem Medical accepts and undertakes to comply with the ‘Prevention of Forced Labor and Voluntary Overtime’ policy specified in the International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, labor law No. 4857 and the social compliance rules of the international brands we are suppliers of.

Our aim; To provide a decent working environment for all our employees. Forced labor acts that may be committed by any employee, manager, customer, guest, supplier of goods and services of our company or by people who are not employees of the company are unacceptable.

Forced or compulsory labor; It refers to all work or services to which any person is forced under pressure, violence, threat of punishment and in a way that is not voluntary. Just because a worker is paid a wage or some other compensation does not mean that the job can be done by force or compulsory. As a right, it is guaranteed that labor is provided freely and that employees are free to terminate their employment contracts within the legal framework or with a reasonable notice. Forced labor is a violation of fundamental human rights.

Situations that may be examples of forced labor:

-Employment by borrowing,

-Creating situations in which the person does not have the right to refuse to work,

-It covers situations where prisoners or convicts are employed unless otherwise determined by a court decision and without special supervision of a public authority.

Our company; It does not allow child, youth or forced labor and does not tolerate it in its suppliers.

Young workers or interns who will work with our suppliers must be registered as required by local law.

When practices contrary to the principles and standards of this Policy are encountered, the business relationship with the supplier is terminated.




İstem Medical respects the people it works with and their culture, ethnicity, color, race, gender, nationality, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, education, life experience, idea, thought. values ​​the diversity they offer, including beliefs, beliefs, and work styles. With the principle of inclusion, it is committed to offering the same level of access to information and opportunities to all its employees.

At İstem Medical Branches; Showing disrespect or making inappropriate statements towards anyone based on gender, race, ethnicity, color, religion, age, nationality, culture, ancestry, citizenship, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, veteran status, or any other legally recognized status. and unfair treatment will not be tolerated.

With this procedure, race, language, religion, gender, form of worship, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, belief, citizenship, disability, age are used in applications such as recruitment, salary, promotion, discipline, dismissal and retirement in İstem Medical Branches. It is aimed to prevent discrimination (negative-positive) and to provide a quality working environment free of all kinds of discrimination where mutual respect prevails. By ensuring that this procedure is adopted by employees, it is aimed to prevent negative feedback regarding these issues.


The purpose of this procedure is to; Since our aim is to ensure that all workers and worker candidates, including trainees, apprentices, daily workers and pieceworkers, are not discriminated against or exposed to; All of these people are covered. In addition, all suppliers, customers and visitors of İstem Medikal are also included in this scope.

3.1. Execution of the Procedure

The Human Resources Department is responsible for explaining the anti-discrimination policy and procedure to workers. The company’s perspective on the subject and the operation of the procedure are explained to new hires during orientation training. Workers’ complaints about discrimination; They can convey their wishes to the Human Resources Manager through complaint boxes and with the Open Door Policy. The Company Owner or his/her representative is responsible for evaluating the complaints. When sharing their complaints, employees are assured that they will be evaluated with an objective approach and will not be shared with anyone unless requested.

3.2. Users of the Procedure

All workers working at İstem Medikal, including apprentices, interns and daily workers, are permanent users of this system. In new hires, the company’s perspective on the issue and the operation of the procedure are explained to the workers by the Human Resources Department. Former employees are given training on the procedure by the Human Resources Department.


Workers can submit their complaints to the authorities in the following ways:

-With Wish Complaint Boxes

-With Open Door Policy

4.1. Behaviors That Fall Within the Scope of Discrimination

Making inappropriate statements, obscene stories, jokes, suggestive words or comments regarding race, gender, colour, language, religion, nationality, age, disability and other protected characteristics,

4.2. Measures Taken to Prevent Discrimination

Persons in recruitment, promotion, appointment, retirement and other practices; Race, language, religion, age, gender, way of worship, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, belief, citizenship, disability, physical appearance and opinions are not requested. In practice, this information is not used as a reason for preference; suitability for duty is taken into account as a criterion.

In job postings, information such as race, language, religion, age, gender, form of worship, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, belief, citizenship, disability, physical appearance and opinion are not requested.

In job application forms, information such as race, language, religion, age, gender, way of worship, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, belief, citizenship, disability, physical appearance and opinion are not requested.

Personal information about employees that can be obtained through various channels (health information, economic data, race, language, religion, age, gender, form of worship, skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, belief, citizenship, disability, physical appearance and opinions etc.) are kept reserved and not shared.

4.3. Employer Responsibilities in Cases of Discrimination

Responsibility of the employer towards the employee who claims to have been exposed to discrimination: According to Turkish Labor Law; It is a Constitutional duty to protect the physical integrity, health and life of its employee within the framework of the “obligation to care for the worker” and to ensure compliance with the rules of good faith in the workplace. When the worker strongly demonstrates the existence of a violation, the employer is obliged to prove whether such a violation exists. The employer It immediately initiates a serious investigation upon the complaint made to it. It takes all precautions to protect confidentiality to allow for a fair and comprehensive investigation. The person who is alleged to have engaged in discriminatory behavior is also given the right to defend himself. Once it is determined that discrimination has occurred, the person concerned will be punished with an appropriate penalty. On the other hand, if it is proven that the discrimination claim is unfounded and made in bad faith, the worker who claims to have been subjected to discriminatory behavior is disciplined with an appropriate penalty or his employment contract is terminated.

Responsibility towards the employee who is alleged to have engaged in discriminatory behavior: The employer also has a responsibility towards the employee against whom there is a complaint. In this context, the employer does not impose a sanction on the person without evaluating all aspects of the complaint and without making an investigation about these people.

Penalties to be applied;

– If it is proven that the person engaging in discriminatory behavior committed this behavior consciously, the person’s employment contract will be terminated.

-If it is proven that the person engaging in discriminatory behavior committed this behavior unconsciously, a written warning will be given, and if the behavior continues, the employee’s employment contract will be terminated.

-If unfounded and malicious discrimination allegations are proven; An employee who claims to have been subjected to discriminatory behavior is given a written warning or the employment contract is terminated for just cause.

4.4. Organizational Structure

Company Owner (General Manager) Duties and Responsibilities; To make the necessary assignments for the smooth operation of the procedure. To ensure that employees are informed about the company’s perspective and the operation of the procedure. The Employer / Employer’s representative, Factory Manager and Human Resources Manager meet once a month to evaluate the complaints received, take the necessary actions or assign the relevant units, and the relevant decisions are recorded in the meeting minutes.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager and the Human Resources Department; To provide employees with information about the company’s perspective on the issue and the operation of the procedure. To provide information on the subject during orientation training for new starters. To record any complaints regarding the issue, to follow the developments with retrospective checks, to close the complaint when it is resolved, and to bring unresolved complaints to the agenda.


Workers are given training by the Human Resources Department on the operation of the anti-discrimination policy and procedure. All details of the procedure were explained to the workers and they were encouraged to share them without any concern in such cases. As part of the orientation given to new hires, workers are informed about the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Procedure.


Developments regarding complaints are monitored through retrospective checks. When the complaint is resolved, it is closed, and unresolved complaints are brought to the agenda.


The Human Resources Department within the company is responsible for evaluating the functioning of the procedure, identifying the deficiencies and ensuring the necessary improvements.

İSTEM Medical Medical Devices and Industry. Ltd. Ltd. Control and improvement efforts are carried out during periodic inspections by the social compliance representative and recorded.

İstem Medical;

– To strive for the development of society within the framework of corporate social responsibility,

– To support employees to volunteer for appropriate social and community activities in which they will take part with social responsibility awareness,

– To respect the right of workers to form unions or other types of worker associations and to engage in collective bargaining,

– Paying workers a fair wage,

– To provide a healthy and safe working environment,

– Evaluating occupational health and safety risks and taking all necessary measures to eliminate or reduce the risks,

– To support occupational health and safety policy and occupational health and safety studies,

– Avoiding forced and involuntary labor,

– To respect the personality and dignity of each employee, not to impose corporate punishment, not to allow verbal, physical, sexual or psychological harassment, mobbing, threats or coercion,

– Not tolerating any acts of corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery,

– To provide equal opportunities to all employees and not to discriminate against employees, ¨ Working within legal working hours, not employing any workers under the legal minimum age,

– Making legal contracts with employees,

– To support environmental understanding with environmental policy, to manage the environmental impacts that may arise from all kinds of activities with a sense of responsibility and to take precautions,

– To develop approaches to ensure that all business partners, especially suppliers, act in accordance with İstem Medikal standards in the field of social responsibility and to pay attention to the implementation of these approaches,

– To be sensitive to the traditions and cultures of Turkey and the countries in which it operates and to act in accordance with all legal regulations,

-To comply with the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which are valid for all countries,

It is a Social Responsibility Policy.



Wage is generally the price that an employee receives in return for the labor he/she provides mentally, physically or in both ways to perform a job. The wage paid for work refers to the “principal wage” and is determined depending on the job requirements. This is the main wage that is taken into account in creating the wage structure according to the principle of “equal pay for equal work” among employees at the level of our enterprise.

Wage management includes the organization and programming of activities related to the establishment of the wage structure and the criteria to be used, wage changes, wage adjustments, and determination of payment costs. A fair wage management first requires determining the appropriate wage structure and wage system.

Wage has an important place among our employees’ expectations from work. If individuals think that they are paid fairly, their wage satisfaction is higher. The perception of wage justice is influenced by the adequacy of the wage to meet the needs, the level that the individual deems appropriate in response to his own efforts and contributions, and his perception of his own wage as a result of comparison with other employees. Accordingly, as individuals’ opportunities to meet their needs increase, as they feel that they receive a wage in line with the value they place on themselves, and as a result of comparisons, they perceive that they have similar wages to other employees doing similar jobs, their wage satisfaction will increase.

Fair wage refers to the wage level that is equal to the income of every healthy, thrifty and hard-working person in an orderly and balanced society, in return for his labor and at a level that will enable him to provide for his family and save a certain amount for the future. In determining the fair wage, the wages, cost of living or living conditions of other employee groups outside our business should also be taken into account.

Fair wage refers to a wage level that corresponds to the employee’s education, experience, skills and competencies, job difficulty and importance, performance, is appropriate to the living conditions in the society in which he lives, will provide a reasonable level of living, and will be similar to those who do similar jobs within and outside the enterprise he works in. It does. Accordingly, the elements that constitute a fair wage can be considered as human capital, the value of the job, reciprocity including performance criteria, providing a certain standard of living, and equality inside and outside the business.

Regardless of the wage system that determines the wages employees receive and what kind of additional payments they include, the amount of wages the employee receives in return for certain elements is essential. These elements are the employee’s human capital, the value of his work, and his performance in his job.

The values ​​that our company uses as a criterion in determining fair wages are grouped below:

Human Capital:

One of the elements of fair wages is that employees receive wages in an amount and structure appropriate to their human capital, which constitutes their education, talent, knowledge and professional qualification levels.

Value of Work:

The fairness of the wage to be paid for a job requires determining the value of that job. Taking the value of the job as a basis in determining the root wage to be paid for each job is the first step in fair remuneration. The value of the job is determined by its difficulty and importance.




Deneyim (işin gerektirdiği en az deneyim)

Eğitim (işin gerektirdiği en az eğitim düzeyi) Bilgi-beceri

Teknik Yetenek


Zihinsel Çaba Düzeyi

Bedensel Çaba Düzeyi


Diğer çalışanlardan sorumluluk

İş güvenliğinden sorumluluk

Mali sorumluluk

Makine, araç-gereç, ekipmandan sorumluluk

Working Conditions

İş  kazası,  meslek  hastalığı  riski  istenmeyen  fiziki

koşullar (gürültü, soğuk, sıcaklık, buhar, nem v.b.)

1. Purpose

In our enterprise, the Turkish Penal Code has been prepared based on Article 71 of the Labor Law No. 4857: “Works that are prohibited for children and young workers who have not completed the age of 18, and jobs that will be allowed to work for young workers who have completed the age of 15 but have not completed the age of 18, children who have completed the age of 14 and have completed their primary education. “REGULATION ON THE PROCEDURES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE EMPLOYMENT OF CHILD AND YOUNG WORKERS”, which covers the procedures and principles regarding the light work and working conditions in which they can be employed, is implemented.

2. Coordination and Management:

All company managers are responsible for coordinating the policy. These managers are responsible for managing business processes in administrative and commercial functions in accordance with the policy in which they have problems.


The procedure to be followed for child and/or young workers is as follows:

-The material and moral rights of child and/or young workers will be fully protected and supported.

-Young workers will not be employed, and young workers will be directed to jobs where they can work within the scope of the “REGULATION ON PROCEDURES AND PRINCIPLES OF EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG WORKERS”.

-Child labor will not be employed at any level of the facility.

-The employee is financially supported and goes to school until he or she is no longer legally considered a child.

undertakes to ensure that it goes away.

4. Penalties and Sanctions:

Compliance with domestic and international law in the field of child labour, forced labor and youth employment

Non-compliance will cause illegal personnel, suppliers and/or the company to face penalties and sanctions, as well as damage the reputation of the company. Failure of any employee or supplier to comply with the laws governing child labor, forced labor and youth employment or the principles and standards defined in this policy may result in sanctions that may result in termination of employment or termination of the commercial contract. This termination does not prevent the company from exercising its legal rights against the violating party.

İstem Medical;

It believes in the freedom of association of its employees and the freedom to sign collective bargaining agreements and respects the work to be done in this direction.


It respects the right of its employees to join, not join or form a union without fear of discrimination, dismissal, threat or harassment. It undertakes to establish a constructive dialogue with the freely chosen representatives of employees represented by a legally recognized union and to bargain in good faith with these representatives.